Alberta Carbon Grid 证券交易委员会ures rights to evaluate one of the largest carbon storage areas available under the Carbon Sequestration Tenure Management
卡尔加里,阿尔伯塔省,10月. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 新闻发布会上 – Alberta Carbon Grid (ACG) announced today that TC能源 and 彭比纳 Pipeline (彭比纳) have entered into a carbon sequestration evaluation agreement with the Government of Alberta (GoA) to further evaluate one of the largest 兴趣范围(AOI) 用于安全储存阿尔伯塔省工业排放的碳. This agreement will allow the ACG to move forward into the next phase of the province’s Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) process to provide confidence to 客户, 原住民社区, 利益相关者和政府对项目的碳储存能力.
“The world is facing a huge challenge when it comes to energy 证券交易委员会urity and transitioning to cleaner energy and we believe the Alberta Carbon Grid will play a critical role in helping achieve emissions reductions goals in Canada,林赛·麦凯说, 副总统, 不受管制的商业和商业发展加拿大天然气管道, TC能源. “We’re excited to achieve this milestone with the GoA and continue our path to becoming 行业 leaders in the energy transition and providing solutions to our 客户.”
ACG已经获得了900多个项目的评估权,在萨斯喀彻温堡北部有1000公顷的土地, 这可能会支持整个阿尔伯塔省的各种客户,特别是那些在工业中心地区的客户. The project’s AOI is considered an ideal CO2 storage location because of its proven deep porous geological formations and ability to handle decades of storage capacity. 基于ACG的初步分析, 我们相信AOI的地质特征是一个长期和永久的二氧化碳储存选择. 评估协议将允许ACG进一步检查地下性质和质量来证明这一点.
作为一个开放存取系统, ACG的目的是允许所有规模和行业的客户, 包括石油和天然气生产商, 炼油厂, 石化工厂和农业制造商, 访问系统. ACG期待与艾伯塔省的潜在客户建立联系并合作,以满足他们的碳封存需求.
ACG将分阶段开发,第一阶段是阿尔伯塔工业中心项目, 在完全开发后,将具备每年运输和储存高达1000万吨二氧化碳的潜在能力. 除此之外, ACG将寻求通过多个存储中心增长和扩展,在阿尔伯塔省每年高达2000万吨二氧化碳, 哪个等于去掉7.每年有500万辆汽车驶离道路.
“We believe that the Alberta Carbon Grid is a transformational project for Alberta and will help Canada reach its ambitious target of net zero by 2050,法布里齐奥说, 副总统, 新项目, 彭比纳. “我们有一个绝佳的机会来引领潮流,并很高兴与业界合作, 政府, 利益相关方在此过程中减少排放并开发新技术.”
ACG is still in the planning stages for the full evaluation work on the project and will continue to provide updates when more details are available. 我们期待着继续与政府合作, 行业, 客户, 原住民社区, 以及主要利益相关者推进这项重要工作.
走进幕后 了解更多全球十大赌博靠谱平台这个世界领先的项目,它将创造一个低排放、可持续的未来.
The Alberta Carbon Grid (ACG) is a world-leading carbon transportation and sequestration solution being designed to serve multiple 客户, 行业, 和行业. A 协作 彭比纳和TC能源公司, ACG is focused on providing CO2 transportation and sequestration solutions across Alberta by leveraging both companies' collective skills, 管道基础设施和路权的经验和广泛的网络.
ACG正在探索可能创建几个ACG中心的方案, 全省范围内, 这将被设计成独立的, 安全且经济高效地收集和储存来自多个行业客户的二氧化碳. 长期目标是每年通过艾伯塔省的几个枢纽运输和储存高达2000万吨的二氧化碳.
阿尔伯塔碳网是彭比纳和TC能源公司致力于能源多样化的一部分, 行业合作和低碳未来有利于环境和阿尔伯塔经济. 欲了解更多信息,请访问
我们是一个7人的团队,000+能源问题解决者工作搬迁, 产生和储存北美所依赖的能源. 今天,我们正在采取行动,使这种能源更可持续、更安全. 我们正在创新和现代化,以减少我们业务的排放. 和, we’re delivering new energy solutions – from natural gas and renewables to carbon capture and hydrogen – to help other businesses and 行业 decarbonize too. 一路走来, 我们投资社区,与邻居合作, 客户和政府共同构建未来的能源体系.
TC能源的普通股在多伦多(TSX)和纽约(NYSE)证券交易所交易,代码为TRP. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站
This release contains certain information that is forward-looking and is subject to important risks and uncertainties (such statements are usually accompanied by words such as “预测”, “期望”, “相信”, “可能”, “会”, “应该”, “估计”, “意图”或其他类似的词). Forward-looking statements in this document are intended to provide TC能源 证券交易委员会urity holders and potential 投资者 with information regarding TC能源 and its subsidiaries, 包括管理层对TC能源及其子公司未来计划和财务前景的评估. All forward-looking statements reflect TC能源's beliefs and assumptions based on information available at the time the statements were made and as such are not guarantees of future performance. 由于实际结果可能与前瞻性信息有很大差异, you should not put undue reliance on forward-looking information and should not use future-oriented information or financial outlooks for anything other than their intended purpose. 我们不会因新信息或未来事件而更新我们的前瞻性信息, 除非法律要求. 有关所作假设的更多资料, 以及可能导致实际结果与预期结果不同的风险和不确定性, 请参阅最新的股东季度报告和TC能源在SEDAR网站上提交的年度报告.sedar.com和美国.S. 美国证券交易委员会网址:www.证券交易委员会.政府.
彭比纳 Pipeline Corporation is a leading energy transportation and midstream service provider that has served North America's energy 行业 for more than 65 years. 彭比纳拥有碳氢化合物液体和天然气管道的综合网络, 煤气收集和处理设施, 石油和天然气液体基础设施和物流服务, 以及不断增长的出口终端业务. 通过我们整合的价值链, 我们寻求提供安全可靠的基础设施解决方案,连接世界各地的能源生产商和消费者, 支持更可持续的未来,让我们的客户受益, 投资者, 员工和社区. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 彭比纳.com.
本新闻稿包含某些前瞻性陈述和前瞻性信息(统称为前瞻性信息), “前瞻性陈述”), 包括适用证券法“安全港”条款含义内的前瞻性陈述, 这些都是基于彭比娜目前的预期, 估计, 根据其经验和对历史趋势的看法作出的预测和假设. 在某些情况下, 前瞻性陈述可以通过“继续”等术语来识别。, “预测”, “安排”, “会”, “预计”, “估计”, “潜在的”, “计划”, “未来”, “前景”, “策略”, “保护”, “趋势”, “提交”, “维护”, “焦点”, “正在进行”, “相信”和类似的表达,暗示未来的事件或未来的表现.
The forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions that 彭比纳 has made in respect thereof as at the date of this news release. Although 彭比纳 believes the expectations and material factors and assumptions reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable as of the date hereof, 不能保证这些期望, 因素和假设将被证明是正确的. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties including those detailed from time to time in 彭比纳's public disclosure documents available at www.证券交易委员会.政府 通过彭比娜的网站 www.彭比纳.com
请读者注意,事件或环境可能导致结果与预测有重大差异, 预测或计划. 本文档中包含的前瞻性陈述仅在本文档发布之日发表. 彭比纳 does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements or information contained herein, 除非适用法律要求. 本文件中包含的前瞻性陈述受本警示性陈述的明确限制.
403-920-7859 or 800-608-7859
TC能源投资者 & 分析师的调查:
Gavin Wylie / Hunter Mau
403-920-7911 or 800-361-6522
(403) 231-3156
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